Ways to Smoke Weed Inside Without Leaving Smell - HØJ

How To Smoke Weed Without Smell


Time to read 8 min

Among all the questions a beginner stoner has, how to smoke weed without smell... an overpowering smell is definitely one of the most common ones. 

We understand the fear of stinking every place you go and have your smoking sessions. This is mainly because beginners don’t want to get in trouble with relatives, seeking to keep everything discreet with friends, always trying to hide the smell of weed and that way avoid getting caught by law enforcement. On the other hand, others simply don’t want to be “that person that smells like weed all the time.”

For more reasons besides just avoiding the police, learning how to smoke weed without it smelling, is a crucial skill to have, and even more so when you’re a regular smoker. Learning how to smoke safely –and without causing a mess– also makes you a good houseguest and neighbor. There’s nothing to be ashamed of when it comes to weed, but we know the people around you would appreciate your consideration and good manners.

Lucky for you, it is actually pretty simple to learn how to smoke inside a house, apartment or hotel without leaving any trace of smell. In this guide, we share some tips from veteran pot consumers and a couple of new tricks that are life savers available for the younger stoners with technology on their side. Here are six ways to smoke inside without leaving any trace of smell.


6 Ways To Smoke Weed Without Smell:

Smoking Weed in the Bathroom

I bet you want to know how to smoke weed in your room without any smell, but veteran stoners know that smoking inside without being caught starts in the bathroom, so it's definitely a good place to start. You have probably heard this tip already, since it’s kind of a classic, if we’re being honest. This is without a doubt an old, reliable trick.  And if you’re into handcrafting, you’re going to love this tip, so trust me and keep reading.

As you probably already guessed, smoking inside the bathroom has a specific process. Here’s what you should grab:

  • A body shower towel
  • A cardboard toilet paper roll tube
  • A joint you’ve rolled up already
  • Dryer sheets from the laundry room

Once you have gathered all the supplies, you’re ready to proceed. First and foremost, roll the body towel and cram it into the crack of the door to avoid smoke escaping through this space. Second, turn on the shower and let the room get steamy as if you were in a sauna.

Third, it’s time to put on display your handcraft skills and build your own odor trap! Grab the toilet paper tube and the dryer sheets, next up put one or two dryer sheets into the cardboard tube, as if you were charging a canyon. You can also try squashing the dryer sheets into balls and placing them inside the cardboard tube. Keep it close to you so you can grab it easily before you light up your herb and then trap the smoke inside when you exhale.

So back to the sauna thing, when your bathroom finally resembles a steam room, light up the joint. You’ll notice that the smoke from the lit weed will be taken out by the steam. Now you can smoke your joint, pipe, or whatever you’re using and exhale the smoke through the DIY odor trap you made before. Voilá, no funny smell!

Last but not least, you’ll need to get rid of the evidence. When you're done, flush the roach down the toilet and turn on the bathroom vent to get rid of the smoke; if there’s no vent, then simply open the window and let the steam leave naturally.  There will be zero evidence against you!

Woman smoking weed in the bathroom
Woman smoking weed in the bathroom (Envato)​​


How to make a sploof?

What if I told you that you don’t need to learn how to make a sploof from scratch to happily smoke a joint indoors? So, if you aren't a DIY person and don't want to craft an odor trap yourself, instead, you can actually buy one. 

What is a sploof?

Sploofs are awesome air filters specifically designed to provide you a pleasant and safe smoking experience. These devices are small, discreet, and most importantly, they work perfectly. 

How to use a sploof?

To use a sploof correctly, do exactly what you would do with the dryer sheet and the cardboard. The science behind this is simple: You exhale on one end and odorless air emerges from the other side. Sploofs have an innovative filter system that captures a significant quantity of odor and smoke; if you give it intensive everyday usage, it will last for a few months.

Sploofs come in various shapes and sizes; we suggest you do a little internet research and choose the one you like the most that fit your needs. Each sploof will have different characteristics that will make them stand out from the others.


Air Purifiers

Yes, these modern technological devices are also highly functional for weed smell and they will change your life. Air purifiers clean the air indoors and help maintain a healthy environment around your house; additionally, they work wonders for homes with pets and living with people who have allergies. Two birds, one stone! 

Another air purifier pro is that it doesn’t look suspicious in the sense that no one who sees it in your place will think it is because you want to mask the weed's aroma. Moreover, you’re free to choose between a million designs and find the one that fits your home decor to match the space.

You can find affordable air purifiers at the biggest supermarkets like Walmart and Target, as well as small stores or online shops like Amazon. Purifiers are easy to use and they come in all shapes, sizes and prices; some of them are cheaper than others. Nowadays, you can choose to spend a considerable amount of money or even a small quantity. Purifiers are one of those products where you will get what you pay for and still have an effective way to keep the air in your house clean and stank-free. Here'a a guide for the best air purifiers for weed smell.



Besides being fashionable cannabis accessories, part of the reason why vaporizers have become so trendy is that they encourage people who consume weed to smoke without the actual concerns of smoking, like leaving a trail of smell behind.

There’s no doubt that lighting up a joint in a tiny place will leave it impregnated with weed; luckily for you, vaporizers exist, and they make great companions for people who have small homes. It’s as good as it gets!  

Vaping is the recommended number one strategy to keep a stank-free home. It's the sort of thing you can do without having second thoughts about others noticing at all, and it is also considered a slightly healthier alternative with the advantage of an odor-free smoke session. The only thing you’re exhaling when vaporizing cannabis is vapor, which does not have the characteristic smell of weed.


Baking Soda

This section is pretty self-explanatory; if you want to smoke weed with no smell, cleaning products are perfect for this task thanks to their intense fragrances. This products might be helpful to get rid of the smell of weed and resin off your clothes.

Instead of covering up your pot traces, remove the stank at once. Look for deodorizing products like Lysol rather than perfuming products, which will just end up sitting on top of the stank and masking the smell instead of eliminating it. 

If you prefer to stay away from chemicals and stick to the natural room deodorizer, we propose the following: Baking soda. This marvelous product is natural and accessible for a few dollars, and it usually comes in big quantities. Here’s how to use this traditional, weed cleansing method: Mix baking soda with vinegar and water in a bowl, leave it overnight and you will have a natural way to get rid of the stank, since the ingredients will absorb the smell.

Another way of using baking soda for this purpose is to put it on surfaces where you smoke your cannabis. Sprinkle baking soda generously and then vacuum it thoroughly the next day. Additionally, consider keeping a nice dish filled with baking soda so it’s always absorbing the weed's odor; it will also serve as decor!


Open Windows and Turn On Fans or AC

How smoke spreads is one of the most noteworthy things to understand about smoking cannabis inside without being caught. Instead of letting the smell get further into your house, or the smell into your car, opening the windows and turning on the fans or the AC will create a current and force the smoke to go outside.

For those who live in an apartment building, be cautious; make sure that those in the area cannot smell the stink coming from your place. To get the weed scent out, keep the air in your house constantly flowing; open the windows, smoke near them, turn the ceiling fans on, and even run around your house wildly flapping your arms… Whatever it takes to make it disappear.

That being said, opening the windows and letting the smell out does have a disclaimer: If you live in the first floor of a sidewalk apartment, do not open them Being incredibly close to the street will cause people who are passing by to recognize the aroma. If you don’t live in a green state, someone could call the cops on you or security on patrol could do a number on you.

Last but not least, a good option to improve this method is to contrast it with another strong smell in the area. For people who truly enjoy smoking cannabis inside the comfort of their homes, we recommend incorporating a smelly product such as incense or a very heavily scented candle. This will make the weed's aroma harder to distinguish.

woman holding KLIP grinder on it packaging
Unboxing ​​KLIP grinder (HØJ Media)
woman holding KØL pipe on it packaging
Unboxing KØL pipe​​ (HØJ Media)

Final Words

Now you know how smoke weed without it smelling!

Try these six different methods that will help you mask and even eliminate the weed’s powerful smell. The best part about this is that you get to choose which method suits you best, given your own needs and circumstances when it comes to you trying to avoid smelling like weed. It's also important to keep in mind where and how you store your weed to keep it fresh all the time, this will help with the smell definitely.

For instance, in case you don’t have the money to buy what is listed above, you can always find alternatives to hide the smell of cannabis by DIY-ing or looking for a good place to store your weed pipe and avoid the smell all around. Make sure to check out our KØL pipe and KLIP grinder, both products come in odor-retaining packaging.

Whether you are trying to hide from judgemental relatives or want to keep a clean and odorless place even if you've had smoked inside your house or in your room... always remember that cannabis is nothing to be ashamed of.

Author: Mike T.


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Is weed bad to smoke inside places or is smoking cigarettes inside place

Paul McCauley

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