5 Day Tolerance Break From Weed: Maximize Your High - HØJ

5 Day Tolerance Break From Weed: Maximize Your High


Time to read 5 min

If you are an experienced cannabis connoisseur, one that has tried all strains and methods of consumption known to man, and you are a very loyal client of the best marijuana equipment that you will ever see (find it right here!), then you may be experiencing a very curious phenomenon: weed just doesn’t hit like it used to do. What happened, did your tolerance got a little too strong? Well, if that is the case, then a 5-day tolerance break from weed might be the answer you are looking for. Time to let your body rest a little bit, dear stoner!

Because yes, tolerance to weed can increase over time with repeated use (and you do like to repeat, right?). When someone uses cannabis too frequently, their body can develop a certain resistance to the effects of this plant, which means that they may need to use more of it to achieve the same effect they experienced when they first started using it. This tolerance can develop due to several factors, including changes in your brain's cannabinoid receptors, which changes the way your body metabolizes THC (the active ingredient in marijuana that you can understand better right here), and even psychological factors such as habituation and anticipation of the drug's effects that effectively lower weed tolerance.

It's worth noting that this threshold can vary from person to person, and some people may develop tolerance more quickly than others, a pretty unfortunate situation, if you ask us. Luckily, tolerance to one form of cannabis (such as smoking) does not necessarily mean tolerance to another form (such as edibles), as different methods of consumption can affect the way that THC is absorbed and metabolized in the body. So, if you have already been thinking how to lower your tolerance to weed, then mix things up in the next session! However, even this might not be enough. You might need something stronger, and a lot more drastic. You need a break.

How to prepare for a 5 day tolerance break from weed?

A tolerance break, also known in the streets as a "T-break," is a period of time when a person who regularly consumes cannabis abstains from using it for a certain period. The goal of these breaks is to lower an individual's tolerance to the psychoactive effects of THC and to enhance the overall cannabis experience.

Tolerance breaks can vary in duration, but they typically last between 1 and 4 weeks. During this period, the body's cannabinoid receptors have a chance to reset, allowing the person to experience the effects of cannabis more fully when they resume using it. Tolerance breaks can also help reduce the amount of cannabis a person needs to achieve the desired effects, which can be great for your wallet if you need a lot of weed to get a good effect, and reduce the risk of overuse or dependence. Now, it is worth noting that while tolerance breaks can be beneficial for some people, they may not be necessary or helpful for everyone. Before deciding to take a 1 week tolerance break or so, it is important to consider the individual's unique needs and preferences, as well as any potential risks or side effects that you may encounter. Additionally, it’s a good idea to speak with a medical professional if you have any concerns about the use of cannabis or if you are considering taking a tolerance break after years of continuous use. Don’t get us wrong, there are generally no significant risks associated with taking a tolerance break from cannabis, but there may be some potential drawbacks to consider. Better to be safe than sorry.

Nevertheless, one of the main risks of taking a tolerance break is the potential for withdrawal symptoms, which can include anxiety, irritability, insomnia, decreased appetite, and mood swings. These symptoms can be very uncomfortable, but at least they are typically temporary and may last only a few days. You should also know that another potential risk of taking a tolerance break is a decrease in the therapeutic benefits that cannabis may provide for certain medical conditions, such as chronic pain, anxiety, or depression; these conditions can come back and hit harder than even before, which is why you want to talk to a doctor before trying anything.

Finally, taking a tolerance break may require some adjustment to your daily routine and lifestyle, as cannabis use may be a regular part of your day. This may require changes to your social activities, habits, or even your work schedule, depending on how frequently and in what situations you use cannabis. In short, while there may be some risks associated with taking a tolerance break from cannabis, the potential benefits of reducing tolerance and improving the overall cannabis experience may outweigh these risks for some individuals. It is always essential to discuss any concerns or questions with a healthcare provider before making any changes to your cannabis use routine.

man with a gray cap, sunglasses and smoking a joint at night
Simon Folmann smoking a CBD ​​joint at night (HØJ media)

Nevertheless, it’s worth noting that everyone's experience during these five days may vary, and it's essential to listen to your body and mind during a tolerance break to be sure everything is alright. If you are experiencing severe withdrawal symptoms or other issues, it may be necessary to seek medical help, or the support of the people around you, and seek alternate methods to lower your weed tolerance. 

However, if done well, you can enjoy the full effects of a good bowl of kush again, and keep getting the benefits of such an awesome plant. 

Good luck!

How long should a weed tolerance break be?

Tolerance breaks from weed may look different for each individual, depending on your usual consumption habits and your reasons for taking a break, but we recommend that you take it easy if this is your first time trying it, just to get a feel of your body and your reaction to the absence of weed. Still, you can get an idea of what this process could look like, and plan accordingly before simply going cold turkey: 

  • Day 1: On the first day of the break, it may be helpful to prepare mentally and physically for the upcoming days. This could involve setting your intentions with this break, planning alternative activities to fill the time typically spent consuming marijuana, and ensuring that any necessary tools (like a box to lock the weed) or support systems (like a friend tasked with keeping the green away from you) are in place.

  • Days 2-4: During these middle days, your body's cannabinoid receptors will begin to reset, and withdrawal symptoms may start to appear. For these reasons, it’s essential to stay hydrated, get enough sleep, eat healthy foods, and engage in other activities that promote your well-being, such as doing exercise or even meditating a little. It may also be helpful to seek support from friends or family members who are aware of the break and can provide encouragement or distraction as needed.

  • Day 5: On the last day of the break, it may be helpful to reflect on the experience and plan for the future. This could involve setting new consumption goals or limits, exploring different strains or methods of consumption, or seeking advice from a healthcare provider or a cannabis professional you trust. After all, a break is always good for you!

Author: Shaggy

Disclaimer: HØJ is not a medical advice blog, so please consult with a doctor or a specialist if you have any questions regarding smoking or anything related to cannabis consumption itself.

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