How to Roll a Tea Joint - Smoking Tea with HØJ

How to Roll a Tea Joint


Time to read 8 min

Most people don’t have a clear idea if smoking tea is good or bad for your health. There’s a growing trend of smoking tea from tea bags, especially among teenagers. This is because they see this as an alternative to mixing a joint with tobacco.

Can you add some refreshing mint to your cannabis mix? Or what about a nice, smoking chamomille? How does tea make you feel when smoking it? Can you smoke weed with tea? Is it safe? If you're a huge fan of drinking cannabis tea, you should take a look at this new way to get tea benefits.

Can you Smoke Tea?

Smoking tea bags by itself won’t get you high because these tea plants don’t contain THC, the psychoactive compound THC. To solve this, you can eventually add the following herbal mixtures to your cannabis joint to get their delightful flavor, aroma, and benefits.

Before we learn how to roll a tea joint, let’s go through some essential facts that you must know.

Can You Smoke Green Tea?

Science supports the health benefits of drinking tea, but there’s no research on the health benefits of smoking tea. However, its beneficial compounds, caffeine, and L-theanine could be absorbed more quickly into the bloodstream through the lungs.

However, notice that smoking tea, just like tobacco, is also not considered reliable or safe. Breathing or inhaling anything burning is unhealthy. While it won’t harm you immediately, it would affect your health in the long run, just like tobacco does. Any smoke in your lungs is irritating and causes damage to the tissue, increasing lung cancer and heart disease risk. Moreover, pregnant or breastfeeding women should avoid smoking altogether—nevertheless, people who smoke green tea report certain health benefits.

Smoking Green Tea Benefits

Lowered Anxiety:

As we said before, green tea contains L-theanine, an amino acid. When drunk, it interacts with neurotransmitter receptors producing an anxiety-lowering effect.

Smoking green tea could have a similar effect. Although there are not enough studies that prove if L-theanine can be absorbed through smoking, some people who smoke it report calmness and focus.

Cognitive Enhancement:

L-theanine may have mild cognitive-enhancing effects. Studies have shown that, in combination with caffeine, it improves memory, focus during demanding tasks, learning abilities, and overall mental function. It helps keep you alert and less tired in general. When they’re together, these two upgrade both speed and accuracy performance on multitasking. However, these studies have only tested this with green tea beverage or extract. Sadly, there are currently no studies that prove cognitive enhancement from smoking green tea.

Better Metabolism:

Green tea’s powerful antioxidants boost your metabolism, burn fat, and promote weight loss. It helps efficient the conversion of food into energy and prevents fat storage. Additionally, green tea promotes weight loss by enhancing fat oxidation. It also offers other advantages, such as improving cardiovascular health and possessing anti-inflammatory properties. Incorporating green tea into a healthy lifestyle can be a valuable addition, but it should be complemented with a balanced diet and exercise for optimal results.

Energy Boost:

It is known that smoking caffeinated ingredients can successfully make you feel alert and motivates. Smoking green tea will make you feel an energetic caffeine lift. Keep in mind that this can increase caffeine overdose risk. Smoking may absorb these compounds more quickly than digesting them, causing symptoms that include nausea, dizziness, and anxiety, but they are rarely life-threatening. 

A table that shows lots of herbal tea and herbs
A table that shows lots of herbal tea and herbs (Envato)

Can You Smoke Chamomile Tea?

Many of the most common herbs are powerful medicine, and chamomile isn’t the exception. This smokable herb will make you feel the effects almost instantly. Chamomile has specific beneficial properties that are released through smoking or vaporization. There are a variety of medicinal uses of smoking mixtures. 

Smoking Chamomille Benefits

Transitional Help:

Smoking chamomile buffers stress and anxiety when you’re trying to make a transition from the harmful effects of smoking tobacco. It also eases emotional upset, agitation, reduces tobacco cravings plus anxiety around food and eating.

Helps with Insomnia and Provides a Restful Sleep:

Chamomile helps you falling asleep, and most importantly, staying asleep. Adding chamomile to your herbal smoke blend is a fantastic way to relax physically or mentally. Its intense anti-spasmodic action helps your body to feel calmed down, making any twitchiness or restlessness go away. Chamomile also affects your nervous system. If you have any thought buzzing around at night, adding some in your joint can quiet that right down.

Great for Stomach Cramps:

Chamomile’s antispasmodic action also has quite the affinity for the lower gut region of the body. It is the perfect herbal ally when it comes to digestive problems, flatulence, and menstrual cramps. Smoking a chamomile-containing blend relaxes and dissolves those symptoms quickly. 

I Just Have Chamomile on Tea Bags

If you have bagged chamomile tea at home, you can just rip open a bag and sprinkle some of the flowers onto other herbs and flowers that you’re smoking. Leave the flowers whole, or if they’ve already broken up, you can sprinkle the little bits in to make a herbal smoking blend with about a quarter of chamomille added.

You can lower the smoking’s risk of lung damage using a dry herb vaporizer as an alternative. Vaping is a great choice that comes in various sizes, shapes, and prices, which offers all the benefits of smoking chamomile or other medicinal herbs without any potential side effects.

Can you Smoke Tea Bags?

One of the most common concerns is that there are any harmful preservatives on tea bags that you would inhale when you smoke them. It is a fact that you can smoke both loose-leaf and bagged tea. After all, tea joints aren’t addictive at all since there’s no tobacco or nicotine on them. Although many herbal joints are marketed as “natural” or “healthier,” it’s crucial to realize that herbal cigarettes are not healthy or suitable for your lungs, and there’s no such thing as a safe or healthy cigarette.

However, if you make them at home, you can collect fresh herbs and dry them. This way, you control exactly what goes into your joints and how dry the herbs are (for smoking, you don’t want your herbs to be too crispy). You can use many herbs by themselves or in combinations, giving you a handful of possibilities in terms of flavor and aroma. Be careful, though,  because some of them have a bitter or harsh herbaceous taste that leaves you with an unpleasant heavy feeling in your chest and throat. 

When it comes to smoking mint leaves, it might impact blood circulation, improving it while relaxing nerves. Peppermint leaves clear the lungs and respiratory passages and can make breathing easier.

How to Roll a Tea Joint

Now that you know all the facts about smoking these herbs, we’re going to show you what you need and the steps to roll a perfect tea joint.

Select Your Ingredients

Select your base herbs:

Always use pesticide-free herbs when possible. Your base herbs should account for 50 % of the total herb blend. As options, you can use:

  • Damiana
  • Mullein (useful for breathing problems and asthma)
  • Raspberry Leaves

Select your secondary herbs:

These are supposed to make up about 30% of your overall herb blend. There are many herbs you can choose as secondary herbs, including:

  • Blue lotus
  • Skullcap
  • California poppy, catnip, and chamomile
  • Passionflower
  • Uva Ursi
  • Hops
  • Thyme
  • Lobelia (be warned that this can induce vomiting)
  • Marigold, Marshmallow, Marjoram, and Mugwort
  • Wild dagga and wild lettuce

Choose flavoring herbs and spices:

The herbs that go into this component of your cigarette blend tend to be more potent and flavorful, so they only account for about 20% of the mixture. Popular flavoring herbs and spices include:

  • Peppermint and spearmint
  • Sage and thyme
  • Lavender
  • Clove
  • Licorice Root
  • Stevia
  • Rose petals
  • Jasmine
  • Ginseng
  • Tea leaves


Steps To Roll a Tea Joint

Step 1: Select herbs for the blend

Once you select your dry herbs, make a blend. Remember that you want three parts base herb, two parts secondary herb, and one part of flavoring herb. You can use cannabis as a base herb. 

Step 2: Mix herbs and grind

Mix the herbs with your fingers, breaking down any large bunches. Transfer the blend to a grinder to create a coarse powder. 

Step 3: Moisture your herbs

Suppose you bought dry herbs from a store or choose to use tea bags, aware that you would need to add some moisture to make the joint burn evenly. Take the herb mixture and spread it out in a thin layer on a cookie sheet, large plate, or parchment paper. Spray a small amount of water over the herbs so that the entire mixture is slightly moist. Let the herb blend air dry for a couple of hours until its overall consistency is mostly dry, but with some moisture.

Step 4: Filling the joint

Use a clean, flat surface. Grab one rolling paper sheet and crease it. Lay it down and place the filter at one end of it. Spread the herbs evenly all through, trying to distribute the blend equally. 

If you know already how to roll a joint, this step won’t be too complicated for you.

Step 5: Get rolling!

Gently roll your tea joint as you would with a cannabis joint. Pack the herbs into a tight roll and tuck the edge of the paper under the herbs. Keep rolling up the rest of the rolling paper. Once you get to the sticky strip, lick it and press it down into place. Seal the non-filter side of your tea joint by pinching and giving it a little twist to close it. Let it dry out for a couple of minutes.

Simon Folmann
Simon V. Folmann

Simon Folmann

Simon is an accomplished entrepreneur and inventor in the cannabis industry. He’s the founder and CEO of HØJ; a revolutionary high-end cannabis accessories company. His mission is to change the way we experience the herb and enhance people’s smoking experience through knowledge and unique products.

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Disclaimer: HØJ is not a medical advice blog, so please consult with a doctor or a specialist if you have any questions regarding smoking or anything related to cannabis consumption itself.

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