How Much Water Do You Put In A Bong? Water For Bongs - HØJ

How Much Water Do You Put In A Bong?


Time to read 5 min

Saying bongs are popular is an understatement. Known for their ability to provide a smooth and cool smoking experience, bongs are often chosen for their ability to produce large and potent cannabis hits, with the size and design of a bong allowing for a larger volume of smoke to be inhaled at once. This, of course, leads to a more intense and immediate high that anyone can appreciate, and the way they work is fascinating. We have talked before about this very topic, but in short, the bong filters and cools the smoke as it passes through water, which can make the smoke easier to inhale and reduce irritation to the throat and lungs. However, this same mechanism can bring tons of questions for a person new to this method. For example, how much water do you put in a bong?

After all, bongs can be customized and personalized to suit the user's preferences, so learning how to use them can really change the way you enjoy your weed. They come in a variety of shapes, sizes, and designs, enabling users to choose the bong that fits their unique style and smoking needs the best, and that’s before getting into how bongs can be a social experience, as they can be passed around and shared among friends. Smoking with others can enhance the overall experience and create a sense of community among users, which is one of the main goals here at HØJ, so we want to give it the space it needs today.

Overall, the smoothness of the smoke, the ability to produce large hits, the customizable nature of bongs, and the social aspect of using them are all reasons why they are popular among stoners, so knowing how to use them properly, and all the care you should have when handling one is basic for any cannabis consumer. So, before we start, some points you need to have in mind before starting. Have fun!

Can I use any liquid besides water for bongs?

If you have questions about how bongs work, please check here! But yes, you can use liquids other than water in a bong, but it's important to be aware of their effects and potential risks. Some people like to use other liquids to enhance their smoking experiences, such as fruit juices, soda, tea, or even alcohol. However, keep in mind that using these liquids can affect the taste of your cannabis smoke, as well as the level of filtration and smoothness of your hits. Some liquids may also produce harmful fumes when heated, which can be dangerous to inhale, so we advise you to always do your research first.

Nevertheless, beyond these concerns, using liquids other than water can also be more difficult to clean, as they may leave residue or stains that are harder to remove. If you choose to experiment with liquids other than water in your bong, always try it first on a small glass bong, and remember how it's important to fully understand the potential risks and effects of using any particular liquid and to use caution when trying new substances; you can get a weird interaction between the fluid and the weed, and surprises are often a bad thing. And be sure to thoroughly clean your bong after each use to avoid buildup or contamination!

Woman lighting up a water bong
Woman lighting up a water bong (Envato)

What kind of water do I need for a bong?


There can be a difference between using bottled water and tap water in a bong, but it may not be that significant. Bottled water is often advertised as being "pure" or "filtered," and it may contain fewer minerals and impurities than tap water, allowing for cleaner smoke. However, the difference in quality between bottled water and tap water can vary depending on the specific water source and treatment processes used by the bottling company, so keep that in mind.

Furthermore, tap water can also contain minerals and impurities, which can affect the taste of your smoke and the cleanliness of your bong. Many water treatment facilities use processes such as filtration and chlorination to ensure that tap water is safe to drink and use in bongs, however, whether you ultimately use bottled water or tap water in your bong may come down to personal preference. If you are concerned about the quality of your tap water, you may want to consider using a water filter or purchasing bottled water. Still, using tap water in your bong is generally safe, and many people find that it works just fine for their needs.

What if someone accidentally drink bong water!

What to do if you drink bong water:

HØJ is not a medical advisor, but if someone accidentally (not you!) drinks bong water, it's important to act quickly. First, have the person rinse their mouth out with clean water to reduce the taste and smell. If the person experiences any adverse effects, such as nausea or dizziness, seek medical attention right away. Drinking bong water can cause digestive upset and potentially lead to more serious health issues. Monitor the person for any further symptoms and call emergency services if necessary. If the person does not experience any adverse effects, encourage them to drink plenty of clean water to help flush any remaining bong water out of their system. And, please, to prevent accidental ingestion of bong water in the future, be sure to properly fill the bong with water, keep it out of reach of children and pets, and avoid using the bong while under the influence of drugs or alcohol.

Man inhaling from a bong
Man inhaling from a bong (Envato)
Man smoking from a bong
Man smoking from a bong (Envato)

Okay, so… How much water do you put in a bong?


The amount of water to put in can vary depending on the types of bongs you want to try, as the size and style of the device can vary a lot between brands and materials. However, here are some general guidelines to help you measure the right amount of water to guarantee an amazing experience:

  1. Fill the bong with water until the bottom of the downstream (the part of the bong that connects the bowl to the water chamber) is submerged.

  2. Calibrate the water level by taking a dry hit without lighting the bowl. A dry hit is when you inhale air through the bong without any smoke. If the water level is too high, you will get water in your mouth. If the water level is too low, you will not get enough filtration. Adjust the water level as needed.

  3. Repeat the calibration until you are satisfied with the water level. Remember, the water level can affect the amount of filtration and the smoothness of your hits, but personal preference also plays a big part, so just worry about getting a result you like.

  4. Done! You are ready to load the bowl with your favorite strain of cannabis and enjoy your bong as much as you like.

As you can see, it’s all about personal preference, mostly. After all, everyone's body chemistry is unique, and people will always have different tastes. Whether you enjoy the taste and immediate effects of pot, prefer edibles because they offer a longer-lasting high, or seek strains that are high CBD because you want a more mellow, relaxing effect, it’s important to experiment with different strains and consumption methods to find what works best for you and your body chemistry. So with that in mind, bring out your bong and start trying stuff! 

Until next time!

Author: Shaggy

Disclaimer: HØJ is not a medical advice blog, so please consult with a doctor or a specialist if you have any questions regarding smoking or anything related to cannabis consumption itself.

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