Lime Soda – HØJ

Lime Soda

Estimated 1-minute read

The Drink:




The Talk:

This thirst-quencher is an Indian street corner staple. It has a simple allure that makes it perfect for sobre celebrations and an exciting refreshment on a hot day. Salty, sweet, sour, and cold, it's a bit like an electrolyte, so good pre/ during/ post-exercise. The sugar syrup required is worth making in bulk and having in your fridge for general drink-making/ sweetening.


  • The Equipment:
    - Pan and bottle for sugar syrup.
    - A clean KLIP.
    - Cool cup.

  • The Time:
    - 2 minutes (if prepared with syrup and ice)

  • KLIP:
    - Save the zest of your squeezed limes. Mix zest with sugar or salt and grind through the KLIP as a mixer and garnish.


For 2 lime sodas. 

  • Ingredients:
    - 1 sea salt (Maldon)
    - 2 x limes,
    - 1 tbsp sugar syrup*
    - 250ml soda water
    - Ice

  • Method:
    - For the Sugar Syrup: Put equal parts sugar* and water (we used 200g sugar + 200ml water makes 300ml of syrup) in a pan and bring to a soft bubble to dissolve.
    - Transfer syrup into a bottle and store it in the fridge for up to a month.
    *Can use brown sugar, coconut sugar of standard white sugar


The Twist:

For a high time, add a shot of tequila or vodka. For a chill, add a dash of CBD oil. Any herb dust leftover in the KLIP can also benefit the drink (depending on how you like it)



The kind of drink: That makes you feel like you're on holiday 😉


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