How to Make a Bamboo Pipe – HØJ

How to Make a Bamboo Pipe

Estimated 3-minute read

Bamboo is often talked about for its working qualities and its overall appearance. There are over 1,000 species worldwide, which most of them are used to produce items every day. Among these, bamboo pipes are extravagant and rare accessories.

Many people seem to think that this pipe’s exotic material comes from what grows above ground, but 99% of the bamboo used to craft pipes is actually its root. As bamboo grows, these roots shoot out in all directions, relatively close to the surface. 

Are you ready to learn a little bit of pipe-making knowledge? You can have access to a classic bamboo pipe following some simple steps. This way, you will have a special pipe to smoke your quality nugs.

How to Make a Bamboo Pipe

The pipe is a simple construction incorporating a bamboo bowl connected to a bamboo pipe stem made from a branch. You can decorate both bowl and stem surfaces with motifs scored on the outer skin by a sharp instrument if you desire.


  • 2 pieces of bamboo: ⅛  and  ¾
  • Bamboo or Metal Cone Bowl 
  • All-purpose glue
  • Saw
  • Power drill with an appropriate bit
  • Hammer and chisel or screwdriver

Step 1

When looking for a bamboo piece, you can look for a small thicket of bamboo and grab a piece that matches the description, or you can just drive yourself to the nearest craft store.

White bamboo is the most common type that you will find. Even though it absorbs moisture for drier smoke, it will eventually end up with a warm yellow-orange color with possible darker spots around its knuckles. On the other hand, black bamboo will not color noticeably on the outside and will absorb moisture internally. While this darker variety is often more rigid than the lighter, the brown skin is thinner. Brushing it with a file or coarse sandpaper will leave a patch of cream-colored material below. 

Notice that if you took your piece from a bamboo thicket, you wi need to boil it and dry it before use. There is a paper-like filament on the inside of the hollow shoot that you will need to remove due to it being very flammable—wash carefully.

Step 2

Take your thinner piece and cut it up so that the wood membrane plugs one end of the bamboo. Cleanly cut off the other end to use it as the mouthpiece. 

You should cut it in a way that you leave a wood-wall in the middle. Stuck a long flat head screwdriver down the tube and hammer a hole into the wall, making two chambers. Try not to break the membrane entirely because it is meant to protect the pipe against ash.

Step 3

Drill or cut a ½ inch (1.5 cm) hole on the opposite end. Use the remaining pieces of the bamboo stick to carve a small bowl for your pipe. Next, drill a hole into the bamboo on one side of the wall and fit the bowl in place. 

Step 4

Line the hole with sealant and place the bowl. Then, put more all-purpose glue around the hole's edges where it meets the bowl. With the bowl end, scrape out the inside flesh and let dry. Use a drill to drill a hole slightly smaller than the end of the pipe, and slide it in glue if you want. If not, you can take it apart for more comfortable carrying. Sand down the two ends and make sure the insides are free from sawdust. 

If you don't want to use glue, all you need to do is drill a hole big enough to fit a ratchet. Once you have the ratchet, insert the bowl head loosely in the hole and bang it down off of something hard. This will form an air-tight hole along with the ratchet. 

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Who’s blog is this? can i have his/her name?

Posted by Boora on March 17, 2022

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