HAMP: Rolling Papers - HØJ

HAMP: Rolling Papers

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The gold & green standard for rolling

What’s included in each pack of HAMP?

In short, everything you need. HAMP is designed as an all-in-one solution and includes; 33 filters, a built-in mixing tray, and 33 of our carefully crafted papers that burn slower, taste less when lit and will rarely burn out or tear. Plus, we've snuck in a smokable 24k gold paper in every thousandth pack! Find it and win a free HØJ product!

Half of the experience is the paper, so roll with the best. This is how you roll the perfect blunt.

HAMP rolling papers

Why do you include filters?

These handy filters are sustainably coloured in our iconic red and cut into a custom shape that ensures they burn evenly and prevents you from inhaling any of the herb; all while optimizing airflow. This is a small but important change for those seeking the ultimate herbal experience.

HAMP rolling papers with red HOJ filters

Is HAMP truly sustainable?

Yes! We truly believe that, because the herb is natural, smoking it should be too. That’s why HAMP is made out of 100% TUV SUD-approved unbleached hemp and coloured with organic soy ink. So you can light up while keeping your carbon footprint down. So, while one in every thousand papers is gold, every single one is green! This is the way to sustainably roll a smoke with a filter!

HAMP display box rolling papers


Does it have any other cool features?

HAMP closes and opens magnetically, enabling easy access while keeping your papers dry and creaseless. It also strengthens the casing to ensure your papers don’t get bent while traveling. Snap, roll, done. Simple. Effective. Included as standard.

HAMP rolling papers kit with magnetic lid

with friends


I just stumbled across this site and all I have to say is that you guys really made one of the coolest and most intelligently designed pipe I have ever laid my eyes on! Kudos and great job….so many companies half step and you guys went to 11 with these kol pipes. Keep up the fantastic engineering!

Posted by Sean Bradley on May 12, 2022

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