Delicious Cannabutter Pancakes Recipe: Infused Pancakes- HØJ

Cannabutter Pancakes Recipe


Time to read 3 min

There is nothing like the sweet and delicious smell of freshly made pancakes to lift your spirits. If you are one of those who enjoys pleasant experiences and are looking to add a little more fun to your regular morning meal, cannabis-infused pancakes may be the perfect dish for you. 

Without a doubt, when it comes to cannabis-infused edibles, the most popular are usually brownies or cookies. However, cannabutter pancakes can be a much quicker and easier option to make and just as effective when it comes to psychoactive potency. As we well know, even though pancakes are a standard, people have developed an endless number of slight variants in this recipe, which makes each of them unique. 

One of the advantages of making your pancakes with cannabutter is that you can adapt it to almost any of these variants and thus enjoy your favorite pancake recipe with that extra fun that THC gives it. Read our easy-to-follow cannabutter pancakes recipe below.

Edible Pancake Recipe

Cannabis-infused pancakes are perfect for the morning as a wake and bake dish or an afternoon meal. In this article, we have brought you a practical and delicious recipe in which you can make cannabutter pancakes in the comfort of your home. As soon as you have the necessary ingredients and tools, this will take only a moment to complete this preparation.

Materials needed

Frying pan



Mixing bowl





2 tablespoons of melted cannabutter.

1 cup canna-milk or regular milk

1 beaten egg

3 teaspoons of sugar

½ teaspoon of salt

1 ½ teaspoon of baking powder

1 cup of pastry flour

Cannabis maple syrup (optional)

Cream and sliced fruits for topping (optional)

Decarb Your Flower

In case you don’t have cannabutter, you can make yours and use it in all types of recipes. Although it takes time, it will definitely pay off, as you will use your favorite cannabis strains for this purpose and control the amount of THC, CBD, or any other cannabinoid you like.

Preheat your oven to 250 F.

Grind 20 grams of buds. We recommend using our KLIP since it will create a fine powder to mix with the ingredients easily. Moreover, your ground weed will preserve its trichomes, enabling you to have a more powerful cannabutter.

Spread the ground flower on a baking sheet and take it to the oven for 45 minutes.

Check on your ground cannabis flower from time to time and stir to allow every piece to cook evenly.

When the flower has turned brown, remove it from the oven and allow it to cool. If it crumbles easily between your fingers, it is ready to use.

Take your preferred oil or butter and infuse it with the decarbed weed. Heat both ingredients for about 30-60 minutes. Stir every 15 or 20 minutes, making sure the carrier oil or butter doesn’t burn.

For this particular recipe, we recommend using unsalted butter or coconut oil.

Step by step

Grab the mixing bowl and blend flour, sugar, salt, and baking powder.

Pour the milk, the beaten egg, and the cannabutter into the mixing bowl and whisk until the mix is homogeneous and you can’t see any lumps.

Turn on the stove and set it to medium height. Then, grab the frying pan and coat the surface with butter.

Pour the pancake batter into the hot frying pan and let it cook until you see bubbles forming on the pancake’s surface.

Flip the pancake with the spatula and let the other surface cook for one to two more minutes or until you see it is golden brownish.

Top your pancakes with the sliced fruits, cream, or maple syrup as you wish, and you 

will be ready to enjoy this exquisite and fun dessert.

Weed Pancakes Without Cannabutter

If you feel curious enough to try some delicious infused pancakes, but you don't have cannabutter, nor the way to prepare it quickly, don't worry. You can make delightful weed pancakes in a variety of ways using even the same recipe with some slight changes in the materials. If you don’t have cannabutter, you can use canna-flour, cannabis tinctures, canna-milk, or THC isolate to make this preparation.

As long as your preparation has any of these ingredients, it will be a cannabis recipe. It will give you a psychoactive high depending on the amount of cannabis you added to the preparation. So make sure you dose these delicious pancakes correctly so that your weed pancakes experience be nothing but pleasant and calm.

Author: Mike T.

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