How to Identify High-Quality CBD Oil – HØJ

How to Identify High-Quality CBD Oil

Estimated 4-minute read

In the recent few years, CBD oil has gained a lot of attention for its potential in treating various health issues. As such, many people turned to CBD oil as a form of alternative therapy – and with that, the CBD oil industry boomed.

With the sudden interest in this natural remedy, many brands have started manufacturing and selling their own CBD products. However, not all of them sell high-quality CBD oil – most hemp-derived products don't have to undergo testing and are not regulated by the FDA or other governing bodies.

 Fortunately for you, there are ways to identify high-quality CBD oil. From checking third-party lab results and the source of CBD to looking for organic hemp farms and full-spectrum formulas, here's what you need to know about choosing the right CBD oil:


Check the Labelling

First and foremost, your high-quality CBD product should come with a label, just like vaping liquids at Vapekit or dietary supplements at your nearest health food store. This label should include the manufacturer's name, the country of origin, a list of all the ingredients, and the CBD content in milligrams.

If any information is missing from your product's label, chances are it is not as high quality as it should be. This can also be a sign that the product has been sourced from countries where hemp farming is not regulated, meaning that the chances of contaminants are higher.


Check Third Party Lab Results

One of the best ways to ensure that you're getting high-quality CBD oil is to check the results from third-party testing. It can also help you determine if the product has been over- or under-dosed with certain ingredients. This is vital, as some shady manufacturers do not disclose the components of their CBD oil, while others will only show their percentages.

Independent lab testing will show the exact amounts of CBD and other cannabinoids present in the product. This is the best and only way to ensure that you're getting the full benefits of CBD oil – and, more importantly, that you're not getting any contaminants.


Know Your Source

Just like with any other supplement, it's essential to know the source of CBD oil. You want to ensure that the company you're buying from is reputable and transparent about their manufacturing process, so they can provide you with the information you need about their product. 

How do you find an established CBD brand? Look for its source of CBD oils and other hemp-derived products. Typically, they will either farm their own hemp or partner with reliable local farmers, to which they point to the lab results.


Look for Organic Hemp

That being said, organic hemp is a term often thrown around but not fully understood. In short, organic hemp is grown without the use of harmful chemicals and pesticides. This is important because pesticides can end up in your CBD oil – and you definitely don't want that.

Organic hemp is typically grown in nutrient-rich soils, which also helps the plant produce more cannabinoids and terpenes, ultimately leaving you with pure and high-quality CBD extract that will become the base of your CBD oil or tincture later on.


Full Spectrum or Broad Spectrum?

CBD products must contain 0.2% THC or less and be sourced from approved industrial hemp plants to be allowed in the UK. This ensures that the CBD oil you purchase will not make you high, yet it will still have a full range of cannabinoids and terpenes – this is what we call full-spectrum CBD oil.

Broad-spectrum CBD oils are formulated to have 0.0% THC, which is done by removing all the THC from the final product. On the one hand, the process is relatively simple, but on the other, it may also remove other beneficial compounds found in the plant that contribute to the entourage effect.


Mind the Prices

When it comes to the prices of CBD products, it is worth noting that those are very much subject to change. This is because the CBD market is still in its early days, which means that it's still not as well-regulated as it should be.

And so, certain stores will charge a premium price for their CBD oil, while others will sell it dirt cheap. The price is not always indicative of quality, so do your research and compare different products and stores before making your purchase.


Know What You're Buying

Finally, ensure you know what CBD is, what to expect from it, and – more importantly – what it is not. This means you should educate yourself on the subject of CBD, its effects, and the dosage recommendations before purchasing a product. 

Remember that while CBD shows great promise, it is not a miracle cure and will not work for everyone. It's still too early to make any definitive claims about CBD, but if you want to use it, do so with caution and always consult your doctor first.


Final Thoughts

With the increasing popularity of CBD oil, it's only natural that many companies want to jump on the bandwagon and start selling their own products. However, not all of them are created equal – so how do you know if you're getting high-quality CBD oil?

Simply put, you will need to check third-party lab results and ingredient labels, know your source, and look for organic hemp farms and full-spectrum formulas. And finally, don't forget that the price is not always indicative of quality. Happy CBD hunting

Author: Phil Cord

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